Protect People on Cornwall Avenue
Slow down Cornwall Avenue and make it safer for all.
Traffic on Cornwall is too fast, and regularly results in vehicle collisions. It is especially unsafe for pedestrians and other vulnerable road users, including people with disabilities, seniors, and children. Last July a child was sent to hospital after being hit by a driver.
Something needs to change.
A drop from 50 km/h to 30 km/h makes a lifetime of difference. Being hit by a car going 50 km/h is almost certainly fatal, but the survival rate when hit at 30 km/h is 90%.
On April 26, Council will debate a motion from Cllr. Christine Boyle to reduce vehicle speeds to 30km/h along with traffic calming & infrastructure improvements. Sign the petition for a safer Cornwall.
Petition Text:
I support OneCity Councillor Christine Boyle's motion for a reduced speed pilot project on Cornwall Ave, along with traffic calming and infrastructure improvements to make it safer for all.