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Tree Canopy Motion on June 12

Our summers are getting hotter! And too many people – especially people in older homes and apartments – have no way to escape that heat.

In many parts of Vancouver, especially in South and East Vancouver neighbourhoods, there just aren’t enough trees. Studies show that these neighbourhoods have a hotter surface temperature during the summer, which can be dangerous for people living there.

OneCity Councillor Christine Boyle and Green Party Councillor Adriane Carr are proposing a plan to plant 100,000 new trees that can withstand our changing climate. These trees would go in areas that need them most, helping to cool down neighborhoods and make them healthier, safer places to live. Their plan is based on research and recommendations from health experts who agree that expanding our tree canopy can help protect us during extreme heat.

What is Happening?

Councillor Christine Boyle, in collaboration with Green Party Councillor Adriane Carr and local climate leaders and tree experts, are spearheading an urgent campaign to expand Vancouver's tree canopy. This initiative is crucial for communities lacking adequate green spaces, identified as high-risk during extreme heat events. Despite ABC's previous commitment to plant 100,000 trees as part of their environmental policy, their promise remains unfulfilled. This campaign will push for necessary action and funding to ensure the motion's success.


The motion is coming to City Council on June 12, 2024. It requests substantial funding to fulfill the new tree targets that ABC already promised during their 2022 campaign, with a focus on climate resilient trees in lower income neighbourhoods with less existing tree canopy.

What Can You Do?

✏️  Write Your Mayor & Councillors

Share your support for this motion to increase the tree canopy. Use OneCity’s online tool to send a quick, personalized email to Council.

Send your letter

🌳  Branch Out and Spread The Word

Share an image of your favourite tree(s) in Vancouver, along with a link back to this page, with friends, family, and on social media to raise awareness and build community support. Invite them to send a letter like you have. Make sure to tag City of Vancouver Councillors and Mayor Sim in your posts.

🌲  Take Root at the Council Meeting

Show your support by signing up to speak in person at the council meeting where the motion will be presented, or phone in to speak. 

Register to speak.