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RELEASE: Vancouver reacts to OneCity's housing plan

Experts, activists and decisionmakers are excited about OneCity’s plan to build the homes we need

VANCOUVER (Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Territories) - OneCity Vancouver released its housing platform - and Vancouver reacted.

Here’s what they’re saying about our plan to build the homes we need:

"I’m interested in exploring opportunities like [OneCity's right of first refusal proposal] with elected officials that want to work with the province to respond urgently to the housing crisis. 

It’s time for all hands on deck: cities, province, feds, private sector, non-profits and residents, and I hope constructive proposals about how to respond to the housing crisis are coming forward across the province during the upcoming municipal elections.”

David Eby, former Minister of Housing, former Attorney-General, BC NDP leadership candidate - quoted in the Vancouver Sun, September 6, 2022

“[OneCity’s right of first refusal proposal is] a great example of how a municipality can lead on fast-tracking housing that is attuned to the needs of community, families and the climate crisis, and prioritizes affordability.”

Anjali Apparudai, climate activist and BC NDP leadership candidate - quoted in the Vancouver Sun, September 6, 2022

“Zoning is the city's most powerful tool. Currently it's used to ban apartments, make housing scarce, and exclude people from most of the city.

This plan would end the apartment ban, stack the deck for non-market housing, capture land value, and protect renters. 

This is big.”

Alex Hemingway, Senior Economist and Public Finance Policy Analyst, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, British Columbia

“If I could turn my mountain of research on urban wellbeing into a housing platform, it would include something like OneCity’s plan to welcome six-storey apartments, affordable homes and corner stores to every neighbourhood. Wow.”

Charles Montgomery, award-winning journalist and author, Happy City

“Only one City Councilor voted to support housing 100% of the time: Christine Boyle.

Only OneCity Vancouver has committed to do what it will take  to solve Vancouver's housing crisis.”

Monte Paulsen, Climate Change specialist at RDH Building Science



OneCity Vancouver communications committee

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